Phytoliths research archaeological site «Novoilinka-VI»

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The article presents the results of phytolith studies of two soil profiles on the territory of a Eneolithic archaeological site, Novoilinka-VI. Phytogeographically, the studied territory is a part of the secondary steppe district of the Western Siberian Lowland steppes. Vegetation of the studied area mostly belongs to steppe and meadow plant communities. The northwestern part of the studied plot is covered by grassy marsh. Archaeological characteristics of the site and geobotanical descriptions are included in the paper. Archaeological materials from the site (ceramic pottery, tools, bones of domestic animals) testify to the producing type of economic activity. Diagnostic phytolites forms were isolated from the soil and described, including grass (Trapeziform, Rondel, Saddle, Trichome, Bilobate) and conifer phytolites (Blocky Polyhedron Transfusion Cells). Two phytoliths profiles (in the northern and eastern parts of the site) were described. The upper parts of the profiles correspond to steppe communities. The lower parts correspond to meadow and forest communities. These parts include a layer of soil with the archaeological material. Conifer phytoliths were discovered in the lower layers of the soil. They are probably phytolites of Pinus sylvestris, a species found up to date in North Kulunda. Forest vegetation community was supposedly located in the northwestern part of the archaeological site Novoilinka-VI. Currently, the nearest mixed pine-birch forest is a kilometer away from the object. The basic indicators of steppe conditions were Trapeziform Short Cells, Rondels, Saddles, and Trapeziform Sinuates. The basic indicators of meadow and forest plant communities were Trapeziform Polylobates, Trichomes and sometimes long cells. An important result of the research is the reconstruction of the vegetation in the Eneolithic epoch of the area. According to the reconstruction, more mesophytic plant communities existed in the area in contrast with the modern times. It is possible that during this epoch forest communities existed in the study area or nearby. Many common features with phytolith profiles of the archaeological site Novoilinka-III were noted. Human activity must have caused a major reduction in forest and steppified plant communities at both sites, Novoilinka-III and Novoilinka-VI. The article is supplemented with supporting data, including images of plant phytoliths and charts of phytolith profiles.

About the authors

M Yu Solomonova

Алтайский государственный университет

Author for correspondence.
г. Барнаул

M M Silanteva

Алтайский государственный университет

г. Барнаул

K Yu Kiryushin

Алтайский государственный университет

г. Барнаул


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Copyright (c) 2016 Solomonova M.Y., Silanteva M.M., Kiryushin K.Y.

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