Oxidoreductase activities in eutrophic peat bogs

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The results of enzymatic activity in peat deposits of eutrophic bogs are described. The formation of bogs depends upon the peat formation, the botanical composition, chemical properties of peat materials and other indicators (marsh water levels, the deposition temperature and etc.) The Tagan Bog is located in Russia, in the Tomsk region, in the hollow of the Tom River ancient outflow. The source of water and mineral nutrition is considered to be precipitation and slope water. The underlying soil or subsurface geological materials are sands, sandy loams and silty clay. The peat deposits of the Tagan Bog are characterized by herbaceous and woody-herbaceous peats with a high degree of the decomposition. The capacity of peat deposits at the observation point is 3 m in thickness with an age of 3445±50 years. The Turochakskoye Bog is located in Russia, in the Altai Republic and is fully inundated. The main source of water and mineral nutrition is surface wastewater. The eutrophic type of peat deposits is recognized as a dominate one. The capacity of peat deposits at the observation point is 4,7 m in thickness with an age of 7060±90 years. The peat deposits of the Tagan Bog have been found to be distinct in a higher activity of catalase and peroxidase. The catalase activity in the peat deposits of the Tagan and Turochakskoye Bogs varies in the range of 5,66-7,32 points and 1,12-17,89 points, respectively. The catalase activity is distributed almost evenly throughout the whole thickness of the peat deposits of the Tagan Bog. The enzymatic activity in the peat deposits of the Turochakskoye Bog decreases with depth. Peroxidase activity changes in both the peat deposits of the Tagan and Turochakskoye Bogs in the range of 21,94-37,55 points and 10,95-27,48 points, respectively. The highest peroxidase activity is indicated in the deep layers of peat deposits of both bogs (as compared with the upper layer at a depth of 0-25 cm). Changes in polyphenol oxidase activities in the peat deposits of the Tagan and Turochakskoye Bogs vary in the range of 0,51-2,19 points and 0,16-3,50 points, respectively. The polyphenol oxidase activity is 1,2 times higher in the peat deposits of the Turochakskoye Bog. A seasonal dynamics of the polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase enzymatic activities in the peat deposits of both bogs is significantly dependent on the properties of the weather conditions. A more pronounced seasonal dynamics of polyphenol oxidase is typical of the peat deposits of the Turochakskoye Bog. In the upper two-meter part of the deposits have been observed summer maximum enzymatic activities. The polyphenol oxidase activity increases in the lower part of the deposits from May till September inclusive when it warms up. In the peat deposits of the Tagan and Turochakskoye Bogs have been observed autumn maximum peroxidase activities in the case with a seasonal variation. In the peat deposits of the Tagan Bog the catalase activity varies slightly during the excessively wet vegetation period. A pronounced catalase activity in the peat deposits of the Turochakskoye Bog in humid period of the year 2013 was observed only at a depth of 0-25 cm and at 150-175 cm which is characterized by two intense peaks in May and September.

About the authors

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Porohina

Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Tomsk. Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: porohkatrin@yandex.ru

Olga Aleksandrovna Golubina

Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Tomsk. Russia

Email: mtgolubin@yandex.ru


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